Nice is Overrated

I realize that the following statement will put a bunch of people out and get certain types up in arms, but stick with me on this notion: “Nice” is overrated, and to me, quite often equals mediocre. Think about it, “Thanks Charlie, I had a nice time tonight.” Coming from his date, this is not […]

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Bumpy Is A Reminder Of Comfort And Consistency

It was just my grandfather and me in his hospital room, at least that’s how I remember it. Just the two of us; he could barely speak, and the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose made the words inaudible, yet I understood what he was saying. He was saying goodbye and that he was […]

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You want my advice? You have to work for it!

I receive many requests each week to chat with young folks as they prepare to embark on an occupation and career. Quite often, they seek my advice and thoughts hoping for a little inspiration. In addition, many people who are looking to switch careers reach out for similar direction as they contemplate making a move […]

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