Madame, this is THE Tavern on the Green…

A group of us were in New York for my buddy Joey’s engagement party.  We all came into the city for the weekend and there were a bunch of activities planned –  dinners, cocktail parties – all of the festivities that go along with that kind of gig.  So, most of the long weekend was […]

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Madame, this is THE Tavern on the Green…

A group of us were in New York for my buddy Joey’s engagement party. We all came into the city for the weekend and there were a bunch of activities planned –  dinners, cocktail parties – all of the festivities that go along with that kind of gig. So, most of the long weekend was […]

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There’s A Price Paid For Everything

I was very fortunate to have had a strong family presence in my life. There was always family around us, and plenty of wisdom and experience that came with it. When I was growing up, we lived in a three-decker tenement; each floor had an apartment.  We lived on the third floor, and my maternal […]

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