Winning Is About Revenue Too

The only team I ever worked for was the New England Patriots, so I cannot describe first hand how other teams that have earned the right to compete in the Super Bowl approach the game from a business standpoint.  However, NFL executives reported that many marketing and business folks view the win as an opportunity […]

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Practice Makes You a Winner

When I was ten years old, I was on a swim team with my pals at the lake where I now live. I rode down dirt roads to the other side of the lake on my pedal bike and we hung out together all day – swimming, riding bikes, playing hoops. Later in the afternoon […]

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Don’t Miss Your Past For One Second

Quite often I am asked if I miss working for the New England Patriots. I get varying responses to my answer, “Not for one second.” Most people prod a little deeper with a follow up, “But you have to miss it sometimes, it must have been so much fun.” I get why people who haven’t […]

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